Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Defining the Truth

from Do No Kai Martial Arts Temple

"Any truth that may be taught or described is not the real Truth."
"La verdad que peude ser enseñada y descrita no es la Verdad real."

Hotai, or Hotei, is sometimes called the "Laughing Buddha." A deity from ancient folklore, Hotai is the long-lasting image of a Chinese monk. He loves life in all its misery and glory, and remains non-judgmental and happy in any situation.

Hotai, o Hotei, algunas veces llamado como el "buda sonriente."  Una deida del folklore antiguo chino, Hotai es la imagen eterna del monje chino; El ama la vida en toda su miseria y gloria,  y permanece sin emitir jucios y feliz en cualquier situacion. 

Visit Do No Kai Temple's Tai Chi Ruler blog!

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