Friday, February 20, 2015

Where Is the Center of the Universe?


"You are at the center of the universe, 

because the universe extends infinitely in all directions."

-- Deepak Chopra, Life After Death

"Eres el centro del universo, porque el universo

 extiende infinitamente en todas direcciones."

-- Deepak Chopra, Life After Death

“The Way Is the Way," said Lao Tzu, famous Taoist creator of the Tao Te Ching. In this approach to the unknowable, ancients advocate constant acceptance of everything, resisting nothing. Read about the Secret Way of Tai Chi here.
"El camino es el camino," dijo Lao Tzu, el famoso creador taoĆ­sta del Tao Te Ching. En este acercamiento a lo incognoscible, los antiguos abogan por la aceptaciĆ³n constante de todo, y la no resistencia  a nada."  La Via Secreta de Tai Chi.

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